Nothing is FREE my friend. If there's some gimmick on a penny auction website that you're getting something for free, chances are, you're not. Its a hook-and-bait thing. Kinda like happy meals at MickeyDs to draw in the kids. You think you're getting the toy for free, but in reality you're not, you're paying for the meal full-price. Same with bid sites- you sign in and you play, you get charged for a bid pack or for a membership to play.
If you want the fun without the hassles, pay your dues and know what you're up for. You don't want hidden charges on your debit or credit card showing up later on without your consent.
- Understand the Math.
- Probabilities Matter.
- Make the Odds Work to your Advantage.

Reality is, you're bound to win something, the question is- would that item be worth all the bidpacks you spent? If its an iPad 3, then that's killer! but if you keep winning gift coupons and small items, maybe penny bidding isn't really the thing to spend your internet hours on.
Always keep in mind:
- Have coffee on standby. No beer!
- Keep those trigger fingers at bay until the last second
- nd the most important thing- Have fun!
Thanks for sharing this article, its going to be most helpful. I can't wait to give this penny auction sites a try. I have a buddy who is constantly telling me I need to give them a try, thanks for sharing!